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A Grace-Filled Life


Sr. Marie Therese Racine
Community Liturgist

Obedience is one of the Benedictine vows and is essential to living the monastic life to its fullest. Obedience requires an inward stance of listening intently for the will of God as it is revealed through the prioress, community members, the sister’s prayer, and other people or circumstances. This means that my life here in the monastery is not about me, my agenda, or what I might want. It is about “we” and what is best for the life of my community.


Living a life of obedience, my heart is transformed to be more centered on God’s will even in the small things – from discerning decisions about my ministry with my prioress to consenting to do a needed task even if it interrupts my plans for the day.


Obedience calls me to grow in humility and trust as I learn to surrender to God’s will and open my heart to receive God’s grace to do it, because obedience is not just about listening. How we respond really matters. Benedict says that our response must be “unhesitating” and done without cringing or being sluggish or halfhearted. Grumbling and any sign of unwillingness are not acceptable (RB 5:14) and only lead to resentment. Rather, Benedict admonishes, “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7).


So, obedience is about love – an ongoing interchange of love between God, me, my prioress, and my community as we seek to do God’s will. As Benedict says, obedience is a blessing to be shown by all...since we know that it is by this way of obedience that we go to God (RB 71:1-2). Yes!


Here is a poem I wrote about Obedience during my Formation years in the monastery.



Transforming, freeing

Listening, trusting, consenting

Letting go into Love


Contact  us:

Sisters of St. Benedict
Our Lady of Grace Monastery
1402 Southern Avenue
Beech Grove, IN   46107

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