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We, the Sisters of St. Benedict of Our Lady of Grace Monastery support this statement.

Conference of Benedictine Prioresses Statement Regarding Immigration

In the spirit of the Gospel and the inspiration of St. Benedict we, as members of the Conference
of Benedictine Prioresses (CBP), representing more than 1100 sisters, commit ourselves to
Christ-like hospitality. Therefore, we call upon our leaders, especially governors, state
legislators, members of the United States Congress, and our president to reconsider proposed
immigration policies and to work towards solutions that uphold the dignity and rights of all
people. We urge them to create pathways to citizenship for immigrants, provide humane
treatment for those in detention, and ensure that immigrant families are not torn apart. In
addition, we commit ourselves to work with other organizations who are advocating and caring
for migrant peoples.

As Benedictine sisters, we are inspired by the life and teachings of St. Benedict. In the sixth
century time when he lived, travelers and pilgrims were often met with violence on the road and
sought refuge in his monasteries. Benedict was inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to receive
all who came seeking refuge. He modeled his life on that of Christ who received the poor, the
lame, the outcast, and the stranger.

St. Benedict quoted Jesus who said, “I was a stranger, and you welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35).
For centuries, men and women have continued to be inspired by St. Benedict’s example of
Christ-like hospitality and his teaching that all people who present themselves are to be received
as Christ. May we and all people, in our time, do the same.

Approved February 2, 2025

Contact  us:

Sisters of St. Benedict
Our Lady of Grace Monastery
1402 Southern Avenue
Beech Grove, IN   46107

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