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A Grace-Filled Life


Sr. Susan Marie Lindstrom

I have always been a rule follower, more out of fear of punishment than of a desire to uphold civility or propriety.

When I first encountered the Rule of St. Benedict, I was struck by its gentle directness. Rules usually limit one’s actions, but the Rule of St. Benedict invites growth, change, and transformation. It is not a collection of rules, but a SINGLE rule that begins with this instruction: “Listen carefully, my child, to the master’s instructions, and attend to them with the ear of your heart.” (Pr. 1) Living Benedict’s Rule involves the whole person: body, mind, spirit, and heart. In his wisdom, Benedict urged full, active, conscious participation in one’s relationship with God, and in the life of the community. He understood human nature, both the gifts and limitations. He acknowledged, accepted, and challenged those behaviors that often lead to complacency or mindless living.

Benedict’s Rule was written for the simple as well as the educated, for those just beginning a faith journey as well as for those well established in their spiritual life. His Rule was not a series of don’ts, but chapter upon chapter of ways to grow in faith, to deepen authentic gospel living, and to exist in harmony flowing from a mutual love of God and community.

The Rule of Benedict enhances life. For me, it is summed up in this verse: “We shall run on the path of God’s commandments, our hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love.” (Pr 49) Benedict does not say we will trip, plod, stumble, or amble. Running implies amazing freedom, a road unencumbered. We run on the path of God’s commandments because we are eagerly anticipating our final destination: “Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ and may he bring us all together to everlasting life.” (7:11-12)

Contact  us:

Sisters of St. Benedict
Our Lady of Grace Monastery
1402 Southern Avenue
Beech Grove, IN   46107

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